Plants hold innumerable benefits for mankind but remain under-utilized due to lack of identification, knowledge and research.
Many invaluable medicinal plants like, Ashwagandha (for vigour), Bhringraj (for hair-care) grow around us in this region and get trampled under our feet unconsciously due to our inability to identify them.
Identification of plants is the first step which paves the way towards further exploration about their utility in literature, internet and scientific research.
This project is outcome of 3 years of field observations, 1 years of data analysis and 1 year of software development.
The site offers a facility to identify plants growing in our surroundings for sake of knowledge and their optimum utility as medicinal herbs and ornamentals.
It also provides comprehensive information about medicinal value of selected plants and their usage as home-remedies.
The site provides information about range of seasonal ornamentals for every season, which can be used to plan the floral composition of home-gardens ahead of every season.
The service is offered free of cost to facilitate awareness about our rich herbal wealth.
Identification of plants at this site requires information which can be easily observed by looking at the plant, for instance, Leaf length, Leaf width, Flower colour, Flower size etc.
Such measurements can vary over a narrow range according to age, season and individual plants. Under these conditions it is advisable to observe at least a few mature, healthy plants of a species and assess the average size of parts.
It is safe to assume the average size of a plant part as 80% of the largest size observed. For example, if the maximum length of leaf in 4 observed trees of species is 10 cm, then 8 cm may be taken as the average length.
Identification of flora of a region is an unending task. Search of new, heretofore unreported plants is always on and is updated at the site on weekly basis.
Comprehensive information about medicinal value and usage of 35 plants is available at the site. Knowledge of more and more plants shall be compiled and made available to users in future.
The seeds, propagules and plantlets of medicinal plants and ornamentals shall be made available by placement of online order, in near future.